Saturday, 7 February 2009

Er...Happy New Year...?

Wow, it's been a long time.

Excuses? I've been travelling a fair old bit, there was Christmas, I've had to look after a poorly family member in the UK for a couple of weeks then travel back to Boston, go to New York for a writers' conference and then I got the flu!

The good news is: the sick family member is now much better, I've been writing/editing like CRAZY, and I'm thinking I might be able to get out of bed later today for the first time in six days!

I'm feeling extremely positive about my writing at the moment, very excited and enthusiastic - both for the chick lit novel and my kids' books. It's all about finding enough hours in the day at the moment.

I'll write more about my exploits, including a lil' competition I've been shortlisted in, and my time at the New York conference, very soon. In the meantime, hope everyone is doing well and writing like fiends!