Tuesday 18 March 2008

Too much news!

Just a quickie to say thanks to all those who have continued to pop by whilst I've been busy getting on with ALL MY STUFF. I have so much to blog about at the moment it's difficult to know where to start. In brief: me and the hubby are ensconced in our new place in the US, I'm in the middle of finalising the sale of my company in the UK and the writing is on hold. It's kind of frustrating in that I met so many great contacts at the launch of the anthology and I just don't have the time to make the most of my good luck. However, in a couple of weeks time things should be more manageable and I'll be able to get down to business.

In the meantime, I love my new home! It's all rather splendid - or should I say, wicked awesome...

More soon!


Sarah*G* said...

Did husband get an inter-company transfer? Is that how you got over in 7 weeks? So jealous. We are trying again on April 1 for H1B visa. How're you liking Boston? I only saw the insides of Logan Airport. Seemed nice enough...

Jenny Beattie said...

Excellent news that you're in and settling. Look forward to news when you've a second free.