Wednesday 16 January 2008

Brain Too Full

The thing is, when I haven't written for a little while I forget that I can do it. I haven't written for about 2 months now and that part of my brain is only just beginning to kick back into action. There's only so much that I can hold in my head at one time. Running my business, preparing to sell my business, the move to the States and all that's associated with it...that's enough for now. I cannot wait until I have the time and head-space to start writing again! I'm fair aching to write, but there are not enough hours in the day and I just have to jolly well wait, like the patient girl I'm not.

So the proposed meeting with the Agent Who Quite Likes My Book hasn't happened yet. It was supposed to be this week, but for reasons I'm not at liberty to explain here it has been postponed. Nothing I can do about that; it's frustrating but there's no way round it. Nuff said.

On the America move, I'm busy stuffing myself with Britishness while I still can. I'm stockpiling Marmite, Tetley's tea and Dairy Milk chocolate to take, and packing my Spaced, Blackadder and Monty Python box sets for when I want a bit of home. I love the States and am so grateful for the opportunity to live there for a while, but I get the feeling that I will really miss the BBC, British accents and Balti. Still, I'm not going to fret about it. 2 years without hearing a Cor Blimey or Why Aye Man isn't going to kill me, and I'm sure Boston has a curry house.

So much to do! Must get packing them boxes!


Sarah*G* said...

There is a great Expat online store that can send stuff to the US relatively cheaply. (I can give you the address if you want) I have been looking into that myself as US chocolate is vile and I will not bring myself to eat it if we move to Indiana in September.

CL Taylor said...

How annoying that your agent meeting has been postponed? Is the wait driving you insane? It would me!

CL Taylor said...

Sorry, my punctuations totally off in my post. Redundant question marks anyone? Sorry, am sleepy!

Caroline said...

Oh not good that the agent has postponed! But very excting about the move. I am trying to see positives this New Year.
I am annoying myself!

Unknown said...

Oh, I have been where you are not too long ago. Good luck with the move and writing will happen :-)

Marcie Steele said...

Keep on keeping on. It'll all stay in your head until you need it, then it will all come tumbling out. Good luck xx

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

You'll be able to hear plenty of Cor Blimeys and Why Aye Men (?!) on the BBC's 'listen again'. Hope the agent thing works out for you.