Wednesday 9 January 2008

Still here...just!

A belated Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oh lordy, I can't believe that I haven't blogged for a month...well, actually I can as it's been a crazy time. It actually feels weird to be sitting here typing again; I haven't written anything in the last 6 or 7 weeks and my fingers have forgotten how to do it.

Anyway, the news in brief:

1 Work has been insane. I've been producing a pantomime for my theatre company and the hours have been really, really long. I've felt exhausted since mid-November and have had quite a lot of travelling and mucho stress. I've even had to go on stage as an understudy for one of my actors who was rushed to hospital. It was a terrifying 48 hours of worry over my actress and being utterly freaked out over having to act again after several years of working behind the scenes. Anyway, good news is she's ok again and I'm back behind the scenes again! I actually enjoyed being on stage once I was in the middle of it, but I will never forget the fear I felt beforehand! I used to take this in my stride, god how things have changed!

2 I've been really quite poorly. Not anything major, but enough to make me take to my bed - tonsillitis, cold-turning-into-flu. I'm still not completely over it, it's been over 3 weeks now and I feel utterly SHENT and a bit old.

3 BIG NEWS!! The Agent Who Might Be Interested (see previous posts) is still interested and wants to meet me! Aaargh! Very exciting.
I wouldn't say she's been particularly effusive about my book, but she has said that she feels it has potential. She thinks some of it needs work, so I guess she's going to suggest a bit of a rewrite, which I suppose is all part of the normal way of things. Will keep you posted.

4 Just to redress the balance, I had another rejection from another agent!

5 BIG NEWS AGAIN!! I'm moving. To the USA. In about 7 weeks.
My husband has been offered a job for 2 years in Boston; it's been a possibility for a few months now but we only got final confirmation just before Christmas. I'm hugely excited, not least because it means I'll be able to WRITE FULL TIME! But it does only give me 7 weeks to sell my business (impossible, but I need to get the wheels in motion), pack up our lives and ship/store/sell our belongings, rent out our flat in London whilst working at the day job and trying to keep my writing up! (How the hell I'm going to manage to do rewrites for the agent in the midst of all of this - heaven knows - but I guess you find a way, huh?) I'm so nervous about getting everything done, and I'm really unsure as to how this might affect my chances of signing with an agent in the UK. More about all of that in another post...

So that's the catch up! I'll post more on each soon, but now I MUST do my bloody tax return before my accountant has a coronary.


CL Taylor said...

I wondered where you'd got to! What a tiring/stressful month you've had. The agent news is FANTASTIC. Yay!!!! So, so pleased for you. My potential agent tried to ring me on Monday but I missed his call and I've been going mad with nerves and stress ever since as I wait for him to ring back and tell me if it's a yay or a nay.

Great news about moving to the States too - how exciting for you, and to write full time too (sooooo jealous!). I don't suppose your flat is a 2 bed with a garden/patio in North West London is it? If so I might be interested, seven weeks is about when I'm intending on moving up there! ;o) Anyway, lovely to having you back and I look forward to hearing more about how your meeting with your agent goes.

Lane Mathias said...

Can't believe how busy you've been.
You've got alot on your plate but good luck with it all. Brilliant news about the move ... and the agent:-)

Sarah*G* said...

WOW! So cool! Agent still interested and moving to US?! I am hoping that both of those things happen to me this year too. Will know about visas etc in May.
Very excited about the agent. Very positive!

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Woo woo woo!!! What an amazing time you're having - it sounds exciting and exhausting in about equal measure. I'm not surprised you got sick. Don't forget to look after yourself in the middle of it all. And very, very best of luck with the agent. I don't think they ask for meetings lightly.