It's finally flippin' well finished!
Lordy, it's only taken me, what?
Fuck me, I cannot believe it. Sorry for the language, but it has been a long time coming. And do you know what? In true style, I wrote the last sentence, went to save it and for the first time, EVER, my laptop crashed. Yes. I am not making this up. It's like it KNEW. Cue long phone conversation to husband who is Oracle of All Things I.T. I was remarkably calm, in fact I was more worried that I wasn't going to be able to post my Novel Racers coffee morning tomorrow. I'm not sure why I was so calm, I guess I was in denial.
After much clicking on stuff that wouldn't work and monitoring CPU usage and trying to shut random things down, we resorted to shutting everything down and crossing our fingers.
I fired the thing up again, and who would have guessed it? It's intact. Thank you, Bill Gates. Thank you a lot.
I'm delirious - look, it's 130,000 sodding words long and it's taken a while...I can't wait to edit, I'm serious. Did I mention it was 130,000 words long? I'm going to take a scythe to it, I'm telling you. Whole characters are going to go (probably), whole scenes, maybe even a subplot. It's going to be 110,000 absolute max and as tight as a gnat's chuff.
I over-write. I'm going to deal with it. I just don't know any other way, yet.
Anyway, I am being remarkably restrained and having a wee snifter of Gewürztraminer, because it's all we have in the fridge, but tomorrow night there will be Champagne and smiles and laughter and just the slightest bit of regret...ahh...
Congratulations!! I'm so pleased for you. Well done!!
Wow, well done. That's a huge achievement.
Well done!!!
Well done indeed!
Congratulations! It's such a great feeling isn't it. Enjoy your celebration - you deserve it!
And it's equally as great that you're excited to get editing. If you manage to maintain the feeling of excitement 50,000 words in I'll be seriously jealous ;o)
Yippee! Fantastic!
Really well done. Fantastically well done in fact. Phew. Now for editing it:) Mine is about 130k too and has taken easily four years to write.
I want to edit it down to 100k. Race you?
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