Tuesday 20 November 2007

Hurty Finger

I was oiling my step machine (oh yes) and I cut my favourite finger open. It's the one I use for pointing at things and pressing buttons and the like. I think I'll live - presuming I don't get lockjaw - but typing is ridiculously slow. And I keep pressing the wrong keys so that all my sentences tend ti cime iut akk weurd and mussoeketm kuje this and U can;t reakky maje vjur sencse/1

So you'll excuse me if I don't:

1 Get the hell on with finishing my novel
2 Do Nanowrimo-oh-oh-no-no
3 Blog
4 Point at things and press buttons
5 Go on my sodding, viscious, squeaky step machine

I gieuss thjst means U;kk have fat thighs and a gyutky conscuenec anboth nit siudng anight writugj/1!


Leigh Forbes said...

Have you got a big tennis-ball bandage on it, or is it just refusing to respond to commands (or both)?

Lane Mathias said...

poor hurty finger. In my library they have a computer for the partially sighted with giant keys. Might be useful for you:-)

Karen said...

Re: the above post - what the heck?

I stopped using my steppy-machine because of the blooming squeaking, despite all the WD40, (plus the children thought it too funny for words and would annoyingly march in time on the floor beside me). It's now gathering dust under the bed and I jog on the spot in front of I'm a Celebrity... instead.

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory