Thursday 29 November 2007

Third Time Lucky...

I haven't blogged or written anything for a while as I've been working crazy hours, seven days a week for the last couple of weeks. I'm sooo tired. The finger is better though - thanks for your concern about it!

I'll post more detail later, but in the meantime, a bit of news... agent wants to read my kids' book!!

I got an email yesterday. She'd read my first 3 chapters and synopsis and wants me to send the rest! Yay!

Am thrilled. Knackered, but thrilled. Even if it comes to nought I'm hugely encouraged. Third time lucky indeed.


CL Taylor said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you.


And by the way your 'I keep expecting a pube to get into my manuscript' made me laugh out loud! I have long hair and I molt (sp?) something crohnic and so was really worried loads of my hair would get trapped between the pages of my MS and the agent would think "Hmmm, she's doing that old stick a hair in the MS to see if I've actually read it trick".

Am still not 100% sure my MS is hair free but it's gone now so *shrugs*

So glad there's someone else about to play the waiting game with me. Fingers crossed we both have good news very soon :o)

CL Taylor said...

apologies for all the typos and spelling mistakes in my last post. I'm soooooooooo tired (and edited out!)

Jen said...

Ooh, that's wonderfully exciting! I'm really inspired at the mo to get mine finished, what with everyone else doing so stunningly brilliant.

Will be keeping things crossed for you.


Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Such happy news!

You must let us know as soon as you hear anything. I have limbs crossed for you and Cally so I am getting a bit numb.

Sarah*G* said...

Congratulations! That is so cool that an agent wants to read your book. I am sure it is fabulous.
You must keep us updated.

There must be something in the air. The racers seem to be doing well recently having agents interested in their work. Long may it continue.

Leigh Forbes said...

Congratulations! What exciting news!

Glad the finger's better too.

Dani said...

Congrats!!!! That's fab news!

Lane Mathias said...

Yay - that is the best news. Need to grow more fingers quickly as there is much crossing to be done at the moment:-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Wow congratulations, will hold thumbs (as my Mother says!) very best of luck and glad to hear the finger is healing well.

hesitant scribe said...

Just popped over from the finishers after being absent for a bit. Again.

Well done! Fabulous news! Glad the finger is on the mend!

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Better late than never... terrific news!!! I'm waiting to hear from agents too. And I'm currently updating my sidebar (a job I hate and procrastinate about for weeks, but do eventually get around to) so I should be dropping in here more often from now on.

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Better late than never... terrific news!!! And I'm currently updating my sidebar (a job I hate and procrastinate about for weeks, but do eventually get around to) so I should be dropping in here more often from now on.

KayJay said...


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.